In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Kyle and Beth’s Spark Session!

From the second I met Kyle and Beth I knew they were my kind of people. They are fun loving, kind, down to earth, and of course – the love hockey! Couple Beth’s sweet demeanor and adoring looks at her finance with Kyle’s kind heart and genuine personality, and you’ve got a recipe to last a lifetime.

When we first started discussing locations for their spark session they had suggested the Olympia Ice Rink. I practically jumped out of my seat with excitement because for one – it’s original, it’s fun, and it’s SO them. For two – my husband plays hockey there and I knew he’d appreciate how AWESOME it is to do a shoot there. So we went! We had the ice to ourselves, and it was just perfect.

Here are some of my favorites from their session!


Kyle and Beth – I am BEYOND excited about your wedding! Thank you for sharing the afternoon with me! I had SO much fun! 🙂
