In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Allie + Frank | Married | Aqua Turf Club , Plantsville Connecticut

As a professional wedding photographer it comes with the territory that you get to meet with wonderful couples. Its one of the MANY benefits of being able to work with people on one of the most exciting days of their lives. Theres so much positive energy that surrounds everyone, being creative blossoms naturally. I often have a standing relationship with my clients from the start of working together. Clients have my phone number, know where I live, and area always encouraged to reach out to me when they have questions about anything. With Allie + Frank, I didn’t actually meet them in person until their wedding day! For me, a person who thrives on face to face interaction with clients, I was overjoyed when their wedding day came because I would FINALLY BE ABLE TO MEET THEM!!! YAY!!!

When I met Allie it was like we were old friends. I felt immediately comfortable with her, her family, and bridesmaids. Frank was just as amazing, and Kyle jived with him immediately! These two fun loving people were surrounded by family and friends who all couldn’t wait to celebrate their marriage. Being that they lived quite a distance away, having their wedding at home where everyone could be around them made it even more special.

Wherever they went laughter and joy followed. Allie + Frank had many people who couldn’t wait to wish them well, hug them, and grab a quick photo to remember them on their special day. Yes, this happens at many weddings, but when the couple lives far away from home I’ve always felt the hugs seem to last just a little longer, the hands are squeezed a few extra times, and the lock for just one second more.  When distance separates us, we learn to value the physical, and these two celebrated their joyous day with full hearts, and true love.

Here are my favorites from their wonderful day!

And when in Rome, we say CONGRATULATIONS! haha!

I feel SO LUCKY I was able to FINALLY meet and work with you guys! Kyle and I had an amazing time at your wedding!! Congratulations and WELCOME HOME!
