In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Carrie + Kevin | Engaged | Belchertown, Massachusetts

When Carrie told me that she was getting married, of course I was all excited for her. We have worked together at Chicopee Comp for a few years now, and we also went to the same high school! I knew she and Kevin had been together for a while, and once we met and began talking I knew that we were a perfect fit for one another. Needless to say, I was like a giddy schoolgirl – no pun intended – when she asked me if I would be their wedding photographer.:)

When she mentioned that she and Kevin wanted to do their Spark Session on their property, in the fall, and use a tree stand – I couldn’t believe it! Not only do I get to go home, and go for a walk in the woods in the beautiful late afternoon sun, but I also get to shoot a fun and creative couple IN A TREE STAND! Kevin was so considerate, that he even put one up for me! I have to say, that being about 30 feet up in the air on a seat that barely covered my bum was a little scary! But I figured that as long as I didn’t get too crazy with my usual acrobatic shooting angles I would be fine. And what a fun adventure it was! We had gorgeous fall colors and light, a happy couple, and tree stands! Perfect!

Here are my favorites from the Belchertown Massachusetts Spark Session!


You two are awesome and I can’t wait for your wedding! I will be brining my ladder for that though! haha! 🙂
