In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Cow Hunting

Who would have known that the statement ‘lets go see the cows’ could create such a stir. There we were, Saturday morning with beautiful fall weather. Hankering for some family time we thought it would be nice to go pumpkin picking and see some farm animals. Well, the first place we went to may as well have been named ‘Yellow Jacket Farm’ because all we did was swat them away from ourselves and the kids. Knowing Peyton has allergies we were scared that he may get stung and have an allergic reaction. So after five fruitful minutes of pushing my double stroller down a wood chip path and almost running over the herds of children and families that were also looking for a little fall fun, we left. Peyton kept asking ‘Cow? Cow?’ So off we went, in search of cows. Doesn’t seem like a hard task. After all, we’re out for a country drive! They have cows by the dozens! So, 40 minutes later, still in farm country, still now cows. By now Peyton is saying ‘Ohhh cows! Where are yoouuuu’. (Cutest thing ever!) Avery is being a doll and allowing us to further venture on our quest. After getting lost three times and ending up in the same spot over and over, we took it as a sign and were ready to give up. Just then at a random field on the right, a group of about 7 cows. ‘COWS!!!’ I yelled. Husband turned the car around, (twice) until we were perfectly positioned for optimum cow viewing. We rolled the window down, I started mooing at them, and they all stopped and stared. Peyton was in his glory, and I wasn’t scared until Eric said ‘Wow, they look like they could charge at us.’ Hmmm… I gave it some thought and came to a decision: ‘Time to go! Say bye bye cows, Peyton!’ Still no pumpkins, but off we went to the next farm stand. We found the perfect farm and the perfect pumpkins, a small homemade pie, and a great little wagon ride. Nice Saturday of going no where in particular, looking for cows, pumpkins, and a little adventure.
