In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Day 1 – Departure


Our adventure has begun! How crazy! After Eric being on a business trip this week, trying very unsuccessfully to pack everyone and bring all but the kitchen sink we are in the road. It’s about 9:03pm, and we are finally on the Garden State Parkway.

Driving along the way we have hit traffic, road work, and snow/sleep mix galore. Trudging through the night in darkness Peyton has said multiple times that he has to go poo poo or pee pee but won’t go on a big foreign potty. That added a few hours and stops along the way. A restless sleeper like me he only slept a total of two hours on our way down. We wishes he would have slept more but he needed to go to the bathroom and didn’t want to go in his diaper. Potty training will resume once we get home again.

As we passed through all the cities it was neat to see how desolate they were. The most spectacular sight was driving through DC at 1:30am on our way to Alexandria. There were small twinkling lights across the clear horizon and there in the distance was our Capitol lit up proudly in the night. As we continued the Washington Monument was next followed by the Pentagon. It always makes me so proud to be an American when I see these things. It was just us on the highway in DC with our family. What an great way for us to see a bit of DC.
