In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Family Time Part 2

One of the things that I like most about being on vacation is being able to photograph my family. With all the time I spent at the beach in my youth there are very few photographs of me there, in the most peaceful place on earth. Naturally this is an important thing that I as a photographer and mother. To be in that space and documenting my family in my favorite natural place is just so difficult to explain. Its where I feel most at peace and the most creative. As good as the first half of vacation was, the second half can pretty much be summed up as a downward spiral and I am completely to blame. After I was home I realized that all of my frustrations could have been avoided had I made a different choice in my reactions to the circumstances. Problem is, hind sight is always 20/20, and to make a change it takes work, and I just didn’t want to tackle change when I was on vacation.  That being said. The most valuable lesson I learned, take it all in stride while on vacation. Put your feet up, have a drink, and just let it go.

A great vacation with amazing family. Until we meet again!

