In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Happy New Year!

Remembering what a fabulous Thanksgiving we had, we were SO looking forward to Christmas and New Years. Much to our dismay our children decided to remain sick, rounding it out for an entire month of illness in the Kemp household. What rough couple of weeks we had. Looking back now I can’t believe it was that long! Our Christmas was similar to our Thanksgiving in that the children weren’t well and not themselves. Plans got cancelled and re-scheduled. At least this time around they slept! Prior to that I had a lot of fun trying to photograph Avery on the new settee, and experiment with some classic Christmas Toy photos! Top that off with a little O’Connor New Years and some potty training, and we welcomed 2013 with open arms.

The only portrait I got for the holidays… Didn’t get Peyton this year…. There’s always next year though!
Playing with our flashlight!
New remote toy!
Playing with our glow in the dark cars!
Peyton is such a lover… 🙂

