In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Mahoney Family | Grow Session | Chicopee, Massachusetts

In many areas of my life I’ve been blessed. Our friendship with the Mahoney’s dates back to the WNEC days when Ryan and Eric were college roommates. In college you change and grow a lot, and those friendships are ones that are very special to both Eric and I. When Ryan met Erinn, we were so happy for him. He has a heart of gold and is one of the most honest people we know. They both are in fact. Erinn is an elementary school principal, and Ryan is an engineer. I mean, come ON! Could Eric and I have friends who are more similar to us?! I think not! To top it off these guys have two awesome kiddos. Although they live down in Jersey, I always look forward to getting together with them. We parent similar, we have the same senses of humor, and we just kinda get one another. Its SO refreshing. Here are some of my favs from their (very candid, very breif) mini session!

