In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Peyton’s Second Birthday

With Peyton’s second birthday upon me, I can’t believe that nearly two years ago I was a first time mother, having a c-section, with no idea what was in store for me. Being his mother has taught me life lessons that no one else could have been able to instruct me on. I thought I had everything figured out. I would let nap time go by the wayside when I felt that if I had things to do, and my child would learn to conform to my schedule.  Little did I know that my children would have me conforming around them and I was the one that would need naptime so I could rest! So many surprises in two short years. I didn’t realize that my patience would be tested so severely, and that I would learn how to love in a way that I never knew existed. When I see my children playing together there is such an amazing feeling of pride that overtakes me. I can’t believe how they care for one another, laugh together, and learn from one another. Don’t get me wrong, there is still refereeing, but for now when they are so small I marvel in the moments where I see them belly laughing and simply delighted by each others presence. Happy birthday to my happy, loving, and caring little boy. You are much loved by all and have brightened my life in a way I can’t even begin to explain. I had such a nice time taking photographs of you and little little today. I hope you dream of bucket loaders and dirt! I love you, my pudgy pudgy!
