In My Own Words

Writing and Images from the heart...

Spring and the Studio

There never is a dull moment in our house these days. After April vacation it seems the final countdown commences. Our seniors are preparing to graduate, the weather is getting warmer, and overall there is a new found happiness that radiates as each day gets longer. It seems as though all of a sudden the calendar fills up with parties and appointments, and before I know it there’s no room left for anything else! Spring cleaning also gets in order. The gardens are weeded and planted, vacations are finalized, and we look forward to the long anticipated break. Then the project ideas start. Well, at least in our house they do.

I tend to have the unfortunate disease of taking on spring projects and obsessing about them until they’re completed. That being said, my darling husband made the phenomenal suggestion to put in a studio. Now that’s all I can think about. Prep the studio, paint the studio, organize the studio, drive myself crazy about the studio, etc. I’m so overwhelmed and happy but at the same time wanting to complete everything as soon as possible I may make myself have some kind of breakdown in the process.

As we near the end of this project I find myself excited about this venture for many reasons:

I will have a place to work and create.

I will have a place to edit.

I will have a place to prepare my equipment and store it safely – all in one location and not all over the house.

I will now have a place to meet with my clients.

I can actually show my clients their photos and talk about them.

I can SEE their reactions to my work, not just imagine that they fall in love with their images as much as I do.

It will be very beneficial mentally.

This is a new beginning for myself and my business. The need for space to create and be creative is a necessity for me, and I can’t wait to share all the photos of the process in the next few weeks once it is completed. I have the most amazing husband who could see this before I even dared to imagine it as a possibility. I wish every woman in the world was as fortunate as I am to have such an amazing partner in life to walk next to.

